Total Balance Chiropractic: A Creating Wellness Center, Chicago, Il
Call us at: (773) 348-6908
Total Balance

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Health Chat with Dr. Andrea Shavitz

Learn about prenatal chiropractic care and chiropractic for children.

Tuesday, July 18th at 6pm
Space is limited
RSVP in person or by email:

Discussion topics include

Benefits of adjustments during pregnancy

  • Promotes optimal baby position andmovement in utero
  • Safer & easier birth for both mother and baby due to optimal pelvic alignment
  • Decreased likelihood of back labor & obstetrical intervention

Addressing common complaints in children

  • Sleep, behavior & attitude and immune system function


Total Balance Chiropratic Welcomes Dr. Andrea Shavitz

Dr. Andrea ShavitzWe welcome Dr. Andrea Shavitz to Total Balance Chiropractic! In addition to Chiropractic, Dr. Andrea specializes in adjusting extremities and soft tissue techniques including Active Release Technique (ART). With over 10 years of experience in the Chicagoland area, we are thrilled to have her join our team!

Read Dr. Andrea's Bio


